Saturday, January 14, 2017

Getting in Shape for Summer – 5 Tips to Help You Get a Bikini Body


A lot of people are unhappy with the shape that they’re in. When you become happy (or at least as happy as you’re going to ever be) with your body, it can change your entire life. It inspires confidence, encourages you to be more sociable and generally increases your happiness levels overall.

As summer is basically here, this is the time when we all become overly sensitive about our appearance – body shape especially – because we are going to start removing the layers and at some point we’re going to have to inevitably get the swimwear out and really showcase our bodies to the world. Through my own experience and extensive research I have decided to write a guide to getting in shape for summer and hopefully help get your body bikini ready!

The majority of people don’t have too much of a problem with their weight when they’re a youngster or teenager, as we generally have a faster metabolism at these times and are generally more active. It’s when we hit the late teens and early 20′s when a lot of us are going to dictate how we will look for the rest of our lives, by the lifestyle we choose then. We become overwhelmed with work and other responsibilities, making watching our diet or our exercising regime a luxury that can wait – this is where we go wrong!

Here are five tips that I hope will help you get yourself into shape, or at least back onto the road to getting in shape. Follow these rules and you’ll be rocking your swimwear with pride on the beach and looking just as good as you feel!

1) First things first, you need to look after your health. Before you make a big change in your lifestyle, diet or exercise regime, make sure you talk to your doctor about it. it may sound silly, why would you need to consult a doctor when it’s going to be a healthier lifestyle than you had before? Because you never know what you’ll be allergic too, or especially if you have any conditions that could be amplified by overexercising, seemingly fit people have died in the gym. It’s usually a pointless trip to the doctors, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

2) Don’t go crazy from the word go – and try not to expect huge changes overnight. Considerable changes will come within a few weeks of you starting your steady (emphasis on the steady) routine. You’ll need to keep it up but within 2-3 months your body should look very, very different. Taking before and after pictures are usually a good motivator, as when you change your body steadily, you barely notice the changes because it’s happening slowly and you see your body everyday. Build up your routine slowly and let your body get used to the epic change in lifestyle, you could do more damage than good if you go in too hard.

3) Eat smaller portions, more regularly and try to swap your fatty snacks for healthier alternatives. This is called grazing, much like cows do, they eat consistently throughout the day in small portions. You see when you don’t eat for a long period of time, your appetite goes crazy and you end up eating more than you really need, this not only takes a lot of energy for your body to digest and process but also doesn’t really give your body a constant supply of energy. Try not to go much longer than 3 waking hours between eating.

4) Cross-train. Don’t stick to one type of work out, try to do as many as you can. You don’t want to end up with only one part of your body toned – it would look a little bit weird to have toned arms but a flabby stomach in your bikini! There are machines that specialist in cross-training, which are funnily enough called, cross-trainers. You can find them at most gyms or you could buy one to use at home, they exercise a good proportion of your body.

You’re looking for a natural, evenly toned body, so make sure you do various types of work out, switch it up between days so you can train one part of your body while the last part you trained is resting and recovering.

5) Remember that your diet is the MOST important factor to getting that perfect bikini body. A lot of people over do the exercise and neglect their dieting, which is definitely not the correct way to getting a health and good looking body. If you compare your body to a car, you could have a Ferrari but if you’re feeding the Ferrari Diesel instead of petrol, it’s not going to work at all! So remember to make up a dieting plan before everything and stick to it.

I know these aren’t the most strict and detailed set of training rules, but they help to outline what is really needed to get to that perfect shape you’re looking for. It can all seem a little overwhelming to start with, but don’t worry it’s pretty simple once you get your head around it all, seek professional help and check out the internet forums and discussion places where other people are training for a helping hand. Good luck and I hope to see you looking brilliant this summer!

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